HTML Link Generator

Easily create HTML links for your website with our free online HTML Link Generator tool. You can generate both text and image links HTML with the optional settings for text color, size, and decoration, as well as defining if the link should open in a new window or not.

Ready to get started? Enter your details below:

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Your Generated Link Code:

How to use the HTML Link Generator:

  1. Select the link type: either Text Link or Image Link.
  2. If you’ve selected Text Link, enter the link text, choose the text color, text size, and text decoration if required.
  3. If you’ve selected Image Link, input the Image URL.
  4. Enter the destination Link URL.
  5. Check the box if you want the link to open in a new window.
  6. Click the ‘Generate Code’ button to create your HTML link. You can then copy this code and paste it into your website HTML.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make text a link?

You can easily make a link using our simple HTML Link Generator or manually wrap a text with an anchor ‘<a>’ tag in HTML. Here’s an example: <a href=””>Text Link</a>

How can I make an image a link?

You can easily make a link using our simple HTML Link Generator or manually wrap a text with an anchor ‘<a>’ tag in HTML. Here’s an example: <a href=””><img src=”URL_TO_IMAGE”></a>

What does ‘Open in a new window’ mean?

If checked, the generated link will open in a new browser tab or window when clicked.

How do I adjust the text size of a link?

By using the font-size: attribute, you can specify the text size of the link. Our generator makes this easy for you as you can simply enter the font-size value or use our slider to adjust the text size.

How can I change the color of a link?

You can change the color of a link by utilizing the style=”color:color_here” attribute within the link’s HTML tag. For example: <a href=”” style=”color: red;”>Link Text</a>

How can I make a link open in a new window/tab?

You can make a link open in a new window or tab by adding the target="_blank" attribute within the link’s HTML tag. For instance: <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Link Text</a>

How can I underline a link?

Underlining a link can be achieved by including the text-decoration property within the style attribute of the link’s HTML tag. For example: <a href=”” style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Link Text</a>

How can I make a link appear bold?

To make a link appear bold, you can use the font-weight property within the style attribute of the link’s HTML tag. For instance: <a href=”” style=”font-weight: bold;”>Link Text</a>

How can I italicize a link?

Italicizing a link can be accomplished by utilizing the font-style property within the style attribute of the link’s HTML tag. For example: <a href=”” style=”font-style: italic;”>Link Text</a>

How do I change the font family of a link?

You can change the font family of a link by using the font-family property within the style attribute of the link’s HTML tag. For instance: <a href=”” style=”font-family: Arial, sans-serif;”>Link Text</a>